Our Top Picks

I’m a Cape Bretoner born and raised, and I love my island. During my years here I’ve explored and discovered many precious gems that I’m happy to share with you! I can help you plan your days - whether you are looking for the best kept secret beaches, the right hiking trail for your experience level, hidden waterfalls, the prettiest coastal drives, or the freshest seafood on the east coast. Below are the best supervised options nearby; our picks for free excursions are here.

Local Restaurants

We obviously have the freshest seafood on our island; but there's more than that to enjoy! Many talented chefs make Cape Breton their home; we'll point you to the best.

Breweries & Distilleries

From single-malt whiskey to organic beers, Cape Breton is home to many micro-breweries. Take a tour, take a drink, take some home!

Boat Tours

Not surprisingly, our island is viewable by boat! Nature-watching via zodiac or cruising via sail - choose your speed and enjoy the salt spray and fresh air.

Golf Courses

Spectacular courses are strewn about our countryside. Take a walk and a swing at your leisure at any of these courses.